Sunday, May 27, 2007

A Sunday Stroll

Every Sunday morning back home I go on a two-hour walk along the railway cut in Brooklyn with my good friends Hazel and Kathy. So this morning I decided to continue the tradition on my own: I got on the Frame Lake Trail and continued to walk past my usual exit to get to the CBC.

The trail bypasses residential areas, peacefully separating the downtown for the lake.
Loons nest on this smaller lake and fish on the bigger lakes. I heard and saw one as I was coming back. Carved out by a glacier, the lake is acidic from the rock and, so, doesn't support much plant life. However, bullrushes, cattails and sedges rim the edges. I met cyclists, joggers, parents with strollers and the occasional soul wandering about in an alcoholic haze.

I went as far as the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre which opened when I worked here oh so long ago. Indeed, I met the Prince himself and wrote a commentary for radio about what I considered to be all the fuss and bother.

One of the reporters who worked with me on News of the North, Alison, was escorted out because she crossed the line in order to get a photo. She said she was more scared of me and what I'd say if she didn't get a good picture!

The centre marks about halfway around the trail. The path is paved to this point, and soon after it's more rugged. Instead of continuing on the circle, for some reason I headed back in the same direction. There's always next Sunday.

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