Monday, May 28, 2007

A City of Contrasts

Trailers are a common type of housing in Yellowknife, and some now fetch a quarter of a million dollars. Many morph into houses, with additions either above, below or beside the original mobile home.
This looks like two houses, but an addition, complete with arched window, has been added at the back. Rows of these trailers, modified or not, co-exist with newer housing. Just around the corner from this place is a crescent with such monster homes as the one below.

Both homes are located in the Range Lake area, near where I'm staying in the 'burbs. It's at the opposite end of Old Town where I find the architecture far more interesting. But I will say this: every house is different in the suburbs here.

There's definitely no cookie cutter approach: row housing, trailers and giant single family homes co-exist. The home to the left backs onto Range Lake.

I went in search of the trail that goes around Range Lake, but could only find an entry point between two houses.
It's so weird because the lake is right behind Tim Horton's, Mark's Work Wearhouse, PetroCan, etc. Once you leave the strip, it's very peaceful. Yellowknife is clearly a city of sharp contrasts.

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