"Holy Crap," read the invitation for Keith and Diane's 25th anniversary party. "I've never dated someone this long." Keith MacNeill is producer of Iqalaaq, the TV program in Inuktitut that airs daily at 4 p.m. The MacNeills have a huge backyard by Yellowknife standards, filled with potted plants in all kinds of interesting containers. Their vegetable garden is impressive, with tomatoes, peas, beets and a first this year, turnips. The strawberries and raspberries are just producing fruit now. Yellowknifers, I find, are passionate about their gardens. People at the party discussed what works, what doesn't and their frustrations at not getting certain plants. Vesey's came up as a good source for seeds.
The party included a large group of young people, friends of the MacNeills three daughters. They launched into charades and I joined in, along with Judy McLinton. Judy is one of the three people I've tracked down from my stint here int he late '70's. Judy was sports reporter at News of the North, spent a few years at the CBC and is now manager of communications of Environment and Natural Resources for the territorial government.
It's been a busy summer for her with all the forest fires and anthrax outbreak at Wood Buffalo National Park.
Judy and I were left in the dust by these kids, who were not only fast at the draw, but also very intuitive. I didn't guess any of the items correctly. However, my actions for "Moby Dick" were picked up on immediately. Anyone who has played charades with me knows I'm not shy about acting these things out.

Here are Keith and Dianne opening a present. I just realized that he's wearing a polo shirt with a Lunenburg, N.S. logo on it. I must ask him where he got it. Maybe at St. Patrick's flea market, where I went Saturday morning. I got some tops for a dollar each and five novels for $1.25 (total). It's a weekly event in the parish hall, and came highly recommended by a CBC reporter and former radio host, who is smartly dressed from his flea market finds. I bumped into our HR guy, Jamie Hubbs, on the prowl for books, I expect. He was sporting an amazing tan after a 3-day fishing expedition at a resort.
By the way, I left the party just before midnight. It was still light, though the sun is now setting around 10:30 p.m.
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