Tuesday, July 31, 2007
After the Storm

Sunday, July 29, 2007
Another Beach Day

Charades and an Anniversary

"Holy Crap," read the invitation for Keith and Diane's 25th anniversary party. "I've never dated someone this long." Keith MacNeill is producer of Iqalaaq, the TV program in Inuktitut that airs daily at 4 p.m. The MacNeills have a huge backyard by Yellowknife standards, filled with potted plants in all kinds of interesting containers. Their vegetable garden is impressive, with tomatoes, peas, beets and a first this year, turnips. The strawberries and raspberries are just producing fruit now. Yellowknifers, I find, are passionate about their gardens. People at the party discussed what works, what doesn't and their frustrations at not getting certain plants. Vesey's came up as a good source for seeds.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Radio News Class Photo
Left to right, back row: reporter Richard Gleeson, news producer Harmen Meinders, regional director John Agnew. Middle row: news reader/reporter Kirsten Murphy, executive producer Marilyn Robak, reporter Joslyn Oosenbrug, reporter Dawn Ostrem, Inuvik reporter Marc Winkler. And in the front, reporter Julie Green.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Service: The Bad & the Good

The women who clean the rooms aren't given enough supplies from day to day. The unhelpful redhead at the front desk, shrugs and says she can't do anything. When I suggested to one person, that I'd have to complain to management, she responded: "He can't do anything, it's all handled in Edmonton." This hotel/apartment/suite complex is part of a chain.
I wondered why I kept seeing bags of garbage by th

On a another positive note: after much fear and trepidation, I had my hair cut and coloured after work today. I'd been told before I came up that the only haircutting place in town is The Chopping Block. However, there are a few other places, including Vixen, the trendiest place in town.
Twenty-year-old Lacey renewed my blondness and gave me a "contour" cut. It was twice the price that I pay in Halifax, but I pay an absurdly low fee there.
Lacey has lived here 15 years and loves it. She couldn't wait to get out of Edmonton where she took her hairstyling course. Her parents take in foster kids. They have five boys now, all with disabilities. Most are crack or FAS babies.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
The Beach at Long Lake

I had my first swim of the summer today, and it was glorious. The water at Long Lake is definitely warmer than either the Atlantic Ocean or the Minas Basin. The beach is unsupervised, but there's a buoyed off area for little kids, and it's very shallow even well beyond the buoys. It was a perfect afternoon, with the temperature in the mid-twenties and the sun moving in and out behind the clouds.
Throughout the weekend a beach volleyball tournament was going on, with several nets set up across the beach. However, there was still plenty of room for sunbathers and castle builders. This one, with its wildflowers and feather decoration, had the name Castle Desiree etched in the sand.
I met a woman from Cambridge Bay, slowly making her way into the water, when I was getting out. She said she's been swimming in the lakes further north, which are warm because of the intensity of the sun up there, even though the air temps aren't as high as in Yellowknife.
I'm getting to be a master at striking up conversations with strangers. This weekend I was on my own--and other than phone calls to the family--it was me, myself and Susan. So, if I don't want to talk to myself, I have to find people to chat up!
Friday, July 20, 2007
Stormy Skies and Fresh Fruit

So, I went out to take pix of the sky and to check out the fruit guy. Let me rephrase that: I went to check out his fruit. He parks his truck in the Walmart parking lot and ships in fruit and veggies from the family orchard in Summerland, B.C.
He's been doing this for eight years, from the end of June to mid-August. Then he heads to farmers' markets in Alberta. I got some cherries, blueberries, peaches and tomatoes. After weeks of eating California stuff, I'm excited to get some Canadian produce. And that's about as local as it gets here.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Buddies in Behchoko

Tuesday, July 17, 2007
The Road to Behchoko

From left to right are Alice MacKenzie, Leitha Kochon, Harriet Paul and Tony Buggins. Alice and Harriet speak Dogrib, Leitha speaks Slavey and Tony's first language is Chipewyan. They do individual shows in these languages but for this 3-hour remote they took turns interviewing guests and doing the weather and news in their own languages.
It was my job to keep things rolling on the ground, making sure the hosts had interviews lined up and everyone knew who was up next. And it's all done on the spot--none of the guests are lined up ahead of time. The hosts simply survey the crowd and grab someone who a) can speak their language and b) has something interesting to say.
The beginning of the live show was quite rocky because the wireless mics weren't working well and, at one point the computer crashed, knocking us off the air for five minutes. Then we had to pull Harriet off the show because she was losing her voice. Fortunately, Alice, who had come along as an extra to gather tape, stepped in. Harriet had arrived at the site by canoe yesterday, along with 300 others attending the assemblies. She found the dusty air was affecting her voice. It certainly was dry and sandy--much like Folk on the Rocks. For three days now I feel as though sand has entered my every pore. I hate to say it, but we could do with some rain.
Back on the road tomorrow, which is a roller-coaster of a ride. Last time I drove along the Mackenzie it was all gravel; now the highway is paved, but frost has caused heaving, while big sections have gravel patches. There are signs for bison crossing; however, the only wildlife I saw was a wolf, standing on the rocks some distance from the road.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
FOTR Day 2
First up was Sarah Harmer, on stage with other female performers from the NWT and Saskatchewan.

burger at one of the concessions?
I discovered that the sound technician for the Beer Garden was Norbert Poitras, the host/operator for Trail's End, the afternoon radio show.
Everywhere I went, I ran into people I know--some from the past, many new and then John Dunsworth from the Trailer Park Boys, who I had lunch with once in Halifax to book him for a special appearance on a Christmas show.
Today, as I leaned over the fence of the beer garden, listening to one last band before heading back to my suite, it struck me how amazing this experience of returning to the north is. Standing under the full sun on a field of sand, surrounded by a sea of interesting folk, I felt blessed to live once again in such a unique place.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Folk on the Rocks
Friday, July 13, 2007
Yk from a Chopper

Thursday, July 12, 2007
It's a Small Country

Carsten must have taken this photo in the wee hours last night from our balcony. I downloaded my pix this evening, and there were a bunch of photos that he obviously took while I was sleeping off that Rusty Nail.
He's out on the town with a high school buddy. There we were at Sam's Monkey Tree, taking in the Thursday night special (two beers and a burger for $8) when a young guy sits down at the our table on the outdoor patio.

spring. He's here with another young man from Brooklyn, who went to Brooklyn Elementary School with Carsten.
I've been ditched for the night, while the boys continue on at the pub. That's OK--this old girl can't keep up the pace. Carsten has to be up early for a helicopter ride tomorrow morning. The news producer at CBC, Harmen Meinders, arranged for his visiting brother to go up in a chopper with a friend who works at Great Slave Helicopters. And that just happens to be where Evan works!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Hammering a Rusty Nail

For a night cap we headed over to the Mackenzie Lounge in the Yellowknife Inn, a favourite haunt in those days from the past. We ordered Rusty Nails, a drink I remembered ordering back then. The server was dubious, because it's pricey--$15.00 and consists of Scotch and Drambuie, a combination she clearly didn't think belonged together. But I needed to try one after all those years, and, oh, it was right smooth. I could have easily downed another drink but, thankfully, didn't, because, as it was, the walk home seemed interminably long on rubbery legs. Formerly, a popular meeting spot, The Mackenzie is a forsaken place now. The bar manager, it turns out, is from Brier Island and the owner, she said, is also from Nova Scotia.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Great Slave Pike Fishing

The last fish Carsten caught was the biggest catch of the day: 41 1/2 inches and 18 1/2 pounds. All the fish were thrown back into the water.
Monday, July 9, 2007
Ragged Ass Rendezvous

Sunday, July 8, 2007
Shaking all Over

Saturday, July 7, 2007
The Prodigal Son

We dropped off his gear, then headed to Old Town for a drive and dinner.

I've been wanting to try Bullocks, which I'd been told has great fish and big prices. It's a crazy little place, covered in posters, bumper stickers, photos, business cards and names etched on the walls. The fish is served pan-fried, deep fried or grilled. Tonight, they had cod from Great Slave Lake, trout and Arctic Char. I ordered the cod and Carsten the char which was listed as 'market' price. When I went to pay the bill, market price turned out to be $34! And I'd been warned that beer runs at $10, but we went ahead and helped ourselves from the cooler. Total price: $75!!! The experience, priceless.

Thursday, July 5, 2007
A Rocking Birthday

"War and Peace"
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Independence Day Dinner

When Frederique was at the Orly airport, departing for Canada, she saw a guy in a beaded jacket and started to talk to him, figuring he was from the north. Turns out he's from Fort Providence, NWT, and offered up his car--and six year old--to deliver to Yellowknife. That's just how casual and trusting life is here north of 60.
Dinner included tasty barbequed bison steaks, and crisp for dessert, made with rhubarb from Aggie's garden.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Pick a style, any style