Yep so I went to the Prince of Wales museum today. Suprise suprise it has a giant painting of Prince Charles in it and he almost looks hot!! Granted the painting is from 20 years ago. I wish I had a photo of that painting now. It's making me kinda sad....
I saw exhibits on: Old Planes, Traditional Styles of Making Clothing, Artwork, Traditional Styles of Making Boats and...shoot...I dunno. The best part was the soapstone sculptures which never fail to impress me and the acrylics which make full use of the broad spectrum of colours that arise from the long sunsets and reflections off the ice. At least I hope that's what happens, this is the most north I've ever been, it could be pure exaggeration, who knows.
I also liked the video about the making of the moose hide boat.
Note to museum, fix your frickin' interactive exhibits! I don't know WHERE on your hard drive the slideshow is! Believe me, I spent 5 minutes looking but there was a lot of folders! Don't even get me started about the subfolders!!! I still love you though because you feed me in nice ways. But get more bison! That's what I really wanted!
This is far too long.
This is Susan doing what she does - multi-tasking. She can have a chat on the phone and flash you a cheery smile all in one go!
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