*whip whip* Here's another post.
So since YKSusan did only boring things yesterday (i.e. work) I have to blog..again. This is seriously cutting into my Facebook time. The things you'll do for your parents.
I walked around Frame Lake. The trail is kind of scrubby on one side and then hooks up with the more pedestrian friendly part which runs alongside downtown. Felt very Frodo a la LOTR settling out on my ginormous treck through 'the bush' while braving bears and such. Oh, picture -->
And then some overfit, overspandexed, unnecessary thing ran by me. Like it was just her normal everyday run. And then she'd go bake cookies for her kids, do some volunteer work & start on her Christmas cards.
The weather was tempermental to the extreme - it rained and shone three separate times during the walk. It's all about layers here. And not so much about my new patent leather flats.

While I didn't see or hear any hungry bears I did hear something which I thought was a loon. Until I listened to the movie later. It could have been an angry spirit back from the dead.
More pics of my walk:

The Leg looking like an evil spaceship -->(above)

Oh and we went to the Simpson's movie (hence title).
Note from mom: it's frickin' freezing here!
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